Wednesday, November 19, 2008

5 Ways to Remember Everything

You are busy and have so many things on your mind. Keep your memory sharp by using these ideas to remember what you need to and free up memory...brain memory, that is:

1. Believe in yourself. Attitude means a lot. If you continually say you are forgetful, then you will be forgetful. Instead change your attitude and think about having a good memory.

2. Write it down. No one can remember everything. Writing down everything - your appointments, your schedule, your families schedule, your work schedule, your grocery list, things you need to do, tasks you need to delegate, etc., frees up your mind to think about whatever is happening in the present.

3. Record your thoughts. Sometimes you want to remember something, but can't write it down at the moment. Record your thoughts. Carry a little hand-held recorder or check to see if your cell phone has recording capabilities (many do).

4. Call yourself. Call your voice mail and leave yourself a message. Then you can listen and write it down when you get home or are in a place to be able to write down the message.

5. Set timers and alarms. Alarm clocks are not just for waking up. Use the alarm clock, the microwave timer or computer alarms a reminder.

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