Tuesday, November 25, 2008

3 Tips for Getting a Head Start on the Holidays

I know…you are not ready to think about the holidays yet. However, the key to having a wonderful and stress-free holiday is planning ahead.

Here are three tips for making your holidays a bit more organized and a bit more enjoyable this year:

Holiday Tip #1: Holiday cards and gift lists. If you haven’t already, save your Christmas card list names and addresses on your computer. You can print labels or envelopes quickly and easily. Address changes are easy to handle and won’t get messy like trying to change addresses in a handwritten address book.

If you use a PDA, save your loved ones gift wish lists on the PDA. You will have the lists with you whenever you go shopping, so you can take advantage of a good deal when you see it. Keep a list of sizes on the PDA as well.

Holiday Tip #2: Take notes. Pay attention to friends and family during conversations. You’ll be surprised at how often they mention items they would like to have or plan to buy. The person receiving the gift will be grateful for a gift they truly want.

Holiday Tip #3: Consider “experience” gifts rather than things. Try something different this holiday season by thinking of what the gift recipient might enjoy. What about a concert, play tickets, spa certificate, tickets to a sporting event or a donation to the recipient’s favorite charity in their name?

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