Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lesson Learned!

Even us organized types mess up sometimes. Last week I went to my filing cabinet and got out my auto policy. The file was right where it should be, in the personal files, in a hanging folder labeled insurance with the file folder labeled with the car information. So far, so good.

A couple of weeks ago, my husband was driving north on the interstate to pick me up at the airport. The car was hit by a rock and it chipped the windshield. I was checking the policy to see what our coverage was for that.

I didn't find the info I needed on the policy to answer my question, so I put the file folder in my inbox to email our insurance agent. I got busy with other things and didn't do the task that day.

Today, I finally got around to emailing our agent. I completely forgot that I had pulled out the folder and spent a good five minutes looking to see if I had misfiled that file, before remembering I had taken it out of its home.

If I had just left it in its home and put the task on my list of to-dos like I normally would, there would have been no problem and I would not have wasted time.

Oh well, I am human...

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