Monday, July 14, 2008

11 Tips for Working More Effectively

1. Control interruptions. Limit visits and phone calls.
2. There are only three things you can do with a piece of paper. FAT - File it, Act on it or Toss it.
3. Keep only the project or papers you are working on out on your desk. Put away other files and papers.
4. Keep like items together and put everything back in its place.
5. Take breaks and relax every so often.
6. Doing one thing at a time will help you focus and get tasks done quicker.
7. Do not schedule 100% of your day. Leave at least 30% for interruptions.
8. Break projects into small, manageable tasks.
9. Do your most important tasks during your peak energy level time.
10. Determine your priorities before you start the day. Use the last 15 minutes of the day before to plan for tomorrow.
11. Write everything down. Appointments, ideas, phone numbers, people's names...everything.

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