There are several sites that I frequently check out for new organizing gadgets and storage ideas with Rubbermaid being one of them. Rubbermaid has a new kitchen cabinet storage idea called a Pan Stacker. I love it!
The Pan Stacker has room for 5 pans and/or lids. Think of the space this frees up in your pots and pans storage cabinet!
The problem is...I can't find a Pan Stacker to buy. The Rubbermaid website states the Pan Stacker is not for sale on its website. I contacted the Rubbermaid Company about where to purchase the Pan Stacker. They did email me back and said to try Target. My local Target is not carrying the Pan Stacker nor did I find it at Target online. Rubbermaid also said to try the Everything Rubbermaid online store. I did, but they aren't carrying the Pan Stacker either.